Monday, February 19, 2007

Flip-flopping the Night Away

The Huffington Post rips John McCain a new one for "flip-flopping" on Roe vs. Wade., I don't see why the media all make such vicious attacks on anyone who ever changes his mind on anythhing. I don't like John McCain and don't plan to vote for him but if he wants to reconsider abortion, or anything else, it's fine with me. I don't see why the press thinks changing your mind is some staggering character defect. I think it was Winston Churchill who, when asked why he changed his mind on something, replied "it's because I know more today than I did yesterday."

There is of course one other reason why the media goes nuts when somebody changes his mind. They never liked that particular candidate anyway and they use "flip-flopping" as a way to attack him when they can't think of anything better.

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Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), California, United States
I write articles, columns, books, very occasional screenplays and make amateur videos. I also maintain a dozen or so blog sites, some better than others.