Friday, January 16, 2009

Little Ice Age Hits Europe

The global warming Climatistas never learn anything. In Holland it is so cold this winter the canals froze over, something they haven't done with regularity since the 19th century.  I have included a painting by Pieter Bruegel, a 16th century Dutch Reniassance painter.  Of course the climate is changing. It has always changed. It goes through periodic cyles where it gets colder then warmer then colder again. The most recent warming period ended a decade ago. Now we're heading for a cold spell. The ice in the Antarctic is growing and so is the Greenland ice cap. Some glaciers are advancing (while others are still retreating).  In other words what else is new?

But when I tried to find stories about the refreezing of the arctic ice cover, nothing is there--just dozens of stories about how low the ice cover went in September of 2007 and how it means that global climate change has reached the tipping point.

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Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), California, United States
I write articles, columns, books, very occasional screenplays and make amateur videos. I also maintain a dozen or so blog sites, some better than others.