Sunday, April 8, 2007

Clueless in Los Angeles (but beloved on the liberal west side)

The LA Times says seven to ten-thousand people marched in downtown Los Angeles yesterday to protest proposed new restrictions on illegal immigration. According to the Times the protesters wore red to symbolize American flag. But since red appears in the Mexican flag as well so one wonders which flag they were actually trying to honor. I suspect both. The LA Times, however, only noted that red was one of the colors in the American flag, not that it was one of the colors in the Mexican flag as well. It seems to me that if the protesters really wanted to distinguish the American flag from the Mexican flag they could've worn blue, which doesn't appear in the Mexican flag. Instead they give a transparently false reason and the LA Times allows them to get away with it.

Leave it to the Times to not have a clue.

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Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), California, United States
I write articles, columns, books, very occasional screenplays and make amateur videos. I also maintain a dozen or so blog sites, some better than others.