Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Rutgers Wilted Flowers

When radio host Don Imus called the Rutger's women's basketball team a bunch of "happy headed hos" the team was so distraught that that one player said she had been "scarred for life." The coach claimed the team was "physically, mentally and emotionally spent--so hurt by the remarks that were uttered by Mr. Imus."

Frankly I thought Division One athletes would be tougher than that. I'm suprised they didn't angry or even beer just laugh it off as the meaningless blather of a dumb old man. Anything would have been better than acting like poor little violets left to wilt in the sun. No wonder they lost the NCAA championship game to Tennessee. When the going got tough, they took a powder.

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Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), California, United States
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