Thursday, November 29, 2007

Censoring Skeptics

Climate change advocates have begun to demonize climate change skeptics as "deniers," as in "Holocaust deniers." That's pretty nice. isn't it. If you disagree with me, you're not just someone who has examined the facts and come to a rational but different conclusion. Instead you're an outcast, morally reprehensible, a Nazi.

The other indefensible thing that climate change supporters do is annnounce that the science is in, "the debate is over," man-caused climate change is real, and any more discussion is out of the question. "Now is the time for action."

It reminds me of the Inquisition telling Galileo that the debate was over, he wasn't to mention the subject again. "The sun goes arouind the earth."

Intellectually honest people never announce that the debate is over on anything. If skeptics present them with questions they do their best to answer them. They don't announce in advance that further questions are the work of the devil (or admirers of Hitler).

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Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), California, United States
I write articles, columns, books, very occasional screenplays and make amateur videos. I also maintain a dozen or so blog sites, some better than others.